Saturday, August 20, 2011


So last night after dialysis, I had a fever of 102.  This is a sign of sepsis.  I have been trying to get in touch with my doctor.  I know he is concerned, but it seems he always reaches me when I am out of range on my cell phone.  Bummer!  I know with a fever of 102 he is going to want me to go into the hospital, so I'll just tell him it's only 101.5.  I do not want to go back in the hospital! I hate being in there, it is such a waste.  It's so undignified to.  Here you are in your backless nightie, lying in bed, while fully dressed doctors, nurses and students come talk to you, examine you, etc., etc.  Good place to stay away from!

On a good note, today I walked the Bridge Over the Hudson again.  All together, back and forth, that is over 2.5 miles.  I even jogged a couple of little spots.  Unfortunately, I was still going slower than most of the old people on the bridge.  I'm not out of breath, I just can't seem to get my body to go fast.  But, fast or slow I did it!  Fun!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

PD Catheter Surgery

Yesterday, I went to see a surgeon who will be placing a catheter for Peritoneal Dialysis or PD.  They call it peritoneal dialysis because it happens inside your abdominal cavity which is your peritoneum.  The surgery is only two incisions and one night in the hospital, but I am a little nervous.  (scared!)  Actually I am really getting sick of my body being cut into.  (sad, depressed).  But, since PD can be done at home, I'm pretty sure it will be better for my lifestyle.  So the surgery will be September 16.

If you are a dialysis patient, do you have any experience with PD?

How about surgeries and scars?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

My First Post Summer Saturday

Good Morning!  So here's a pretty typical Saturday for me I guess.  First of all, yesterday was Friday, so I went to dialysis and lately I have been getting fevers after dialysis at night.  So I woke up at 6 and took some Tylenol so I could go to my BodyPump class today at 8.  I love BodyPump.  I have been doing it since April and it seems to be very difficult for me to gain strength, since I still use the lightest weights of the whole class and my muscles are burning.  But I keep going cause I love it.  I love the music and it helps me feel normal.

So after Pump I came home and napped.(To give my muscles a chance to grow.)  When I woke up I decided to go get some frozen yogurt.  I got plain tart yogurt loaded with yummy fruit.  No chocolate or candy for me, I was actually really craving fruit.  It was delicious! I could eat that stuff every day. Except yogurt has both potassium and phosphorus in it.  I had mostly lower potassium fruits.

If you are a kidney patient or just a regular person: Do you love self-serve frozen yogurt?